As small groups begin to develop, we will be posting information about them here. What they are, when they will meet, who is leading them, etc. Please check back regularly to see what kind of small group ministries you may want to be a part of!

Here is the first small group of Adoration Fellowship Church:


This ministry is for women of all ages.  We meet every other Saturday at 10:00 am in our Metro Plex and just have a blast!  We encourage one another in the Word, pray for each other, and just listen….because sometimes we just need that.  You do not have to come to our church on Sunday to be a part of this Bible Study.  We have women join us each week who attend other churches.  This is a place where the church body unites as one!


This ministry is for men of all ages.  Iron sharpening iron. We meet every other Tuesday at 6:30 pm in the Metro Plex.  We usually have something to grub on and then we study God’s Word and discuss it. Same as the women’s group, you do not have to come to our church on Sunday to be a part of this Bible Study.  We have men join us each week who attend other churches.  This is a place where the church body unites as one!

GRANDPAS FOR JESUS! Created by Clifford Hood

This ministry is about Grandpas for Jesus. We meet every other Saturday at 10:00 am in the main sanctuary.

I’m not saying that Grandmas are not just as important as Grandpas but I feel like Grandpas need to be more cautious about their actions and the way they act or present themselves to their grandchildren. So I’m kind of needling in on Grandpas because I feel like we need a lot more work than Grandmas do.

Grandpas need to be self-aware, they need to be Godly influence on their grandchildren, showing forth kindness and godly influence, knowing God’s word.

Grandchildren are great copycats so Grandpas need to be good examples of God in his purity and holiness.

Don’t be a grumpy gripey Grandpa. Speak the word of God around your grandchildren. Be that influence and character of Jesus Christ.

“Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.”   Colossians 3:2

Grandparents are a family unit – they’re all part of the family.  But we are all individually responsible for our actions and our activities and the way that we present ourselves.

The Bible says walk in the spirit and you will not walk in the flesh.  We should not let the passions of our flesh dictate the way we act.

We should maintain self-control and respect. Being filled with the spirit is key.  Holy Spirit is our Helper Counselor, and Comforter.

So Grandpas be watchful.

Be a Grandpa For Jesus!